Concord, Massachusetts
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ALYN CARLSON is a fine artist, art director, and designer based in Providence, RI. For over three decades, she has exhibited her work at galleries in New England, helped brands find their voice, and renovated a church into a home. Her work can be found in Print, Communications Arts, Uppercase, Redbook, Photo District News, RI Monthly, Paint Lab and Design Sponge at Home. She is also the author of The Paper Hat Book, a how-to book for adults and children. Alyn studied at The Swain School of Design in Massachusetts and the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence.
20% of the artist’s profit from her Willmaya Series will be donated to the Women's Fund Southcoast in New Bedford, MA.
For more information or pricing please contact the gallery:
Email: info@threestonesgallery.com
Gallery: 978-371-1333
Text: 978-399-8611