Concord, Massachusetts

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Jillian Demeri earned a B.A. in fine arts from Bowdoin College in 1986 and has been working as an artist since then. In her childhood, Jillian’s parents encouraged her to paint or draw as often as possible. From 1994-2014 Jillian ran the jDemeri gallery on Bearskin Neck in Rockport, MA, featuring her watercolors and the contemporary art of her peers. Her father, Domenic F. Demeri, taught her to love using watercolor as he transitioned from commercial to fine art in the late 70s. Jillian is inspired by the words of her family and dearest friends as she continue in the work she most loves to do. She is a represented artist at Three Stones Gallery.
For more information or pricing please contact the gallery:
Email info@threestonesgallery.com
Gallery: 978-371-1333
Text: 978-399-8611